
Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Reshape mVAS by promoting with social media Ads. Sit back and enjoy our team of experts that will get subscribers for your services on CPA basic.

Social media platforms have become a colossal force in the digital landscape, with over 4.9 billion active users worldwide as of 2023, representing more than 60% of the global population. This vast audience presents an unparalleled opportunity for your mobile content get the most and best subscribers in the world. For instance, Facebook alone boasts 2.9 billion monthly active users, while Instagram and TikTok have over 2 billion and 1.5 billion users respectively.



45+ M


2+ M


About Us

What CJM guarantees

Higher Engagement Rates

Users are interacting more with your mobile ads, such as clicking on them, watching videos, or filling out forms to subscribe. It indicates that our ads are capturing the audience's interest effectively and we are converting more.

Higher Conversion Rates

Users are completing desired actions after clicking on our mobile ads, like signing up or subscribe to our partners products. It shows that our ad campaign is successfully turning viewers into customers or subscribers.

Advanced Targeting Capabilities

Using sophisticated tools to show your mobile ads to the right users based on their behavior, interests, or location. It ensures your ads reach the most relevant audience for better results.

Go Viral!

Our mobile ads are being shared widely by users, leading to a higher number of subscribers. Increased sharing can boost conversions by reaching a broader audience through a viral content.

Our Info

How CJM Works


With mobile traffic accounting for over 54% of global web traffic, a robust strategy is essential with social media driving 31% of all of it. At CJM we develop tailored approaches to get mobile subscribers, maximizing traffic and conversions with data-driven insights that guaranties the best quality. With 1-on-1 meetings and with a very direct approach, we will have the best information in our side to make decisions on the get go with just the onboarding.


At CJM we make everything in house with no fee associated. We have a team of creative and visionary people that build visually compelling mobile content like Landing Pages, Banners, Video or any other type to boost subscriptions in your services.

Optimization and Monetization

Our team of media buyers and campaign managers experts are 24/7 implementing best practices to improve conversions. Effective optimization can increase conversion rates by up to 200%.


With a controlled expanding impact, we can efficiently grow acquisition on a global scale. Scaling efforts can lead to a 70% increase in audience subscriptions within the first year.

The Expert

CJM Integration


The best way for CJM to guarantee the high volumes and top quality is by integrating via API. This way we have direct and faster access to all the metrics and can readily test and come up with the best possible solution. All our partners need to do is see the results come in!


If it's not possible to integrate the API, we have the possibility of moving forward with S2S, but we'll lose agility in the processes and obviously take longer to achieve the desired results. But we never thrown in the towel and we're perfectly aware that we'll always get the best traffic, the highest volume and the best conversions.